CAUTION: Adobe CC 2014.1 updated on two advanced lab machines.

Hello Students,

I want to inform you that as of 5pm yesterday, Adobe CC 2014.1 has been installed in the Advanced Editing Lab on systems 89-017-01E and 89-017-02E. This is for the students who had updated software on their home system a few weeks into the term and are now having back compatibility issues. The rest of the lab machines will be updated over break as originally scheduled.

If you do not have Adobe CC at home to work on and have been using the lab machines to start and edit your projects, PLEASE DON’T USE THESE MACHINES until winter term begins. You may encounter back compatibility issues when you go to use any of the other 30 lab machines in the building.

Going forward, I will post the versions of the major software that can be found on the machines on the Production Hub at the beginning of each term. It is recommended that you don’t update your personal software past what versions are being used in the labs. If a company like Avid or Adobe updates software in the middle of the term, it is standard operating procedure to wait until the next break to roll out the newest update. This is not just SOP here, but any facility you will work in after you graduate. If you’re working on a feature film, you don’t upgrade your software in the middle of the show. You never know what new software components will break other aspects of integrated software, plugins, operating systems, etc., and you don’t want to find that out in the middle of a project.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

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