Equipment Room Construction Update

The construction inside the CineTV equipment room is progressing nicely. The wall between the equipment room and the old DIGM grad lab (UCROSS 014) has been demolished so the equipment room can grow to accommodate growing needs for the Film & Video and Television programs. The equipment room in room 006 will be operational by the start of winter term in 2013.


Student work folder in AWstorage FMVD drive wipe

The student work drive on the FMVD drive on AWstorage will be deleted Wednesday at noon. No exceptions.

The new folder will require students to place work inside a folder that contains their first and last name.

The folders cannot contain more than 2 gigabytes of data. If they do , they will be deleted on the spot.

Move all your data off of the fmvd drive on AW before Wednesday morning or it will be permanently deleted.


University Crossings Basement Closures

Due to floor maintenance, the Department of Cinema & Television’s facilities in the basement of University Crossings will be closed during the following:

Friday, November 16, from 6pm-11:59PM

Saturday, November 17, from 3pm-11:59PM


Drexel is Closed Monday & Tuesday due to Sandy

Cinema & Television facilities will not be staffed, so no equipment pickups or returns. Classes are canceled as well. Stay safe guys!


From the Department of Public Safety:

Campus Safety Notices

Campus Weather Advisory – Hurricane Sandy Update

10/28/2012 12:00PM

Due to severe weather that is predicted to accompany the arrival of Hurricane Sandy, all classes and University events at Drexel University and Drexel University College of Medicine are cancelled for Monday, October 29 and Tuesday, October 30. Classes and normal business operations will resume on Wednesday, October 31. Classes and exams for the College of Medicine will be rescheduled and posted online.

Only those personnel providing essential services should report to work on Monday and Tuesday.  An explanation for faculty and professional staff on the University’s policies regarding closures can be found on the Human Resources website at: Drexel University HR Policy 13 and Drexel University College of Medicine HR Policy 13.

Drexel Medicine Physician Practices will be open Monday, October 29 at 8am and closing at 11am and resuming normal operations Tuesday, October 30 at 12pm. Students in clinical settings should contact their clinical supervisors/instructors to determine whether or not they should report.

Drexel’s Emergency Management Team continues to monitor the situation, and extensive preparations have been taken to ensure the safety of students and others who will be on campus during the storm.

The Handschumacher Dining Center (7am-8pm), Northside Dining Terrace (8am-1am), Drexel Recreation Center (6am-10pm) and Hagerty Library will be open on the University City Campus.

The University will provide class cancellation and campus closure updates via Web, telephone, radio, and the DrexelALERT system. Please visit Weather-Related Closing and Delayed Opening Information on the Public Safety website for more information.

Some important tips to remember:

•   Flash flooding may occur in poor drainage areas. Avoid driving if possible and never attempt to drive through a flooded area.

•   Power outages may occur – keep mobile phones and devices charged.

•   Your basic emergency supply kit should contain: Flashlight and extra batteries (Do not use candles or flammable items in any Drexel buildings.) and a battery-powered or hand crank radio.

•   High winds are expected.  Secure bicycles and any loose items outside.

•   Stay away from any downed or exposed wires and report their location to Drexel Public Safety or 911 immediately.

•   Remain indoors and travel if only necessary.

•   Sign up for ReadyPA, a State Emergency Preparedness system that issues public alerts and

•   Save Drexel Public Safety’s number in mobile phone: (215) 895-2222.

Immediately report any weather-related emergencies to Public Safety at (215) 895-2222.  Continue to monitor local media for weather-related information, such as KYW News Radio, and check for any weather-related updates regarding campus closures and/or hours of operation delays on the University website at and


DaVinci Resolve Updates in UCROSS 025

Resolve was updated to 9.0.2 on all three stations in 025. This should fix some of the glitches that have occurred with the tracker. We also updated the Blackmagic Decklink drivers as well. Email support.westphal [at] if you have any issues with these workstations.

Color suite #2 was updated to the full blown version of Resolve. The ability to work in resolutions greater than 1080p and noise reduction is now possible.

Happy Grading!

Movie Magic Budgeting Permissions Issue

We are experiencing an issue with Movie Magic Budgeting in room UCROSS 15 & 25.

The software will not launch with student accounts.  We are in contact with the vendor and they are writing a custom patch for Cinema & TV. We’ll keep you posted.

Welcome Back for 2012-2013

Welcome back for the 2012-2013 Academic Year!

The post production rooms have changed:

UCROSS 015 = Post Production Lab

*5 Dual Boot Mac Pros (OSX/Windows 7) with triple screens and 1TB+ drives for switching hard drives from Mac HFS to PC NTFS

*1 Mac Pro with ONLY Windows 7

*4 Dell Optiplex systems for pre-production (Movie Magic Suite)

*Table space for meetings

UCROSS 017 = Post Production Classroom

*17 HP Z820 Stations (32 GB RAM, 12 Sandy Bridge CPU cores, eSATA)

*4 Pro Tools bays (FMVD-017-13 through FMVD-017-016)

UCROSS 026 = Audio Classroom / Audio Post 2

*5.1 Surround Sound mixing suite (coming soon!)

UCROSS 015 = Color Grading rooms (special card access only)

*2x 2d grading suites with Win 7 Mac Pros

*1x 3d grading suite with HP Z820

UCROSS 032 = Equipment Room

*Equipment Access

*Access requests

UCROSS 011 = Chip Murphy & Bill McNulty

*Awstorage & Post Help


If your IDs do not work with 015/017, visit the equipment room in UCROSS 032.